I'm proud to say that I inhereted my appreciation to fine fragerences from my mother who no doubt inhereted it from my grandmother who valued fine Dehn Oud (arabic perfume). I confess that I barely use it if I'm going out to a public as it's not appropriate to have your scent noticed from a while away (I'm culturaly old school that way), but if there's an evening soiree, speci8fically a wedding, then I will gloriously shower myself in the finest of scents : )
I don't have a particular advise to you my dears on how to select a perfume but I'll tell you this. When you try out a perfume, spray it on your wrist, give it a minute to cool, then smell it. Don’t select a scent because it smells so great on your friend. Different bodies and pH levels can make the same bottle of perfume smell very different on two different people and lastly if you feel that the scent lifts your spirit and makes you feel attractive, then that is the scent for you. I leave you now with these soft images of sweet scents.
xoxo Noora